Eavesdown Docks, Persephone - July 27 2519

Connie mms. She's about to say something, when a MULE appears from the direction of downtown, two Guild-insignia'd people riding shotgun on it, and starts to make itself a route through the crowds on the dockside toward the Zun Yan.

The IMV Chimera lands neatly, the hatch swinging open almost immediately. The ship's XO steps out, Ella shading her eyes with her hand as she looks around to see who else is about. On spotting the Zun Yan, she waves in their direction.

Brett walks out of the Chimera after his XO taking a quick look around before taking the time to stretch his arms and legs. He looks in the direction Ella waves, however he's not sure who it is she is waving to.

Not long after the Chimera lands, there's the rumble and roar, albeit somewhat lighter, of another incoming vessel - in this case, a passenger shuttle from Ariel, landing in its customary spot nearer downtown. Pretty quickly, it starts disgorging a larger than usual crowd of people - evidently the richer half of Persephone is throwing one of its typical functions tonight.

Connie raises a hand in return. "Hey." Her eyes, though, are on the approaching MULE.

Shin Tung waves the MULE over and then nods in Ellas direction. He is cradling a light SMG of unusual design. "Looks like they are here Capt."

Ella takes a couple of steps down the ramp, eyeing the weapon in Shin's hands. "Expectin' trouble? You need another couple hands?"

Brett peers closely at the people who respond to Ella. "Oh I remember that guy, he pointed the Chimera out to me." He gives a wave in their general direction. After looking up at Ella again as she speaks he puts one hand on his holster and shakes his head, -yeah here we go again-.

Connie shakes her head, as the MULE fetches to a halt by their ramp. "Just a loading job, really." A soft laugh. "Unless you enjoy heavy lifting."

The two Guild flunkeys (what COULD the Companions Guild want with the Zun Yan?) dismount. "Captain Saint? Are these the things?"

To those trained to hear it, it's an unmistakable sound, emanating from somewhere in the middle of the rather packed crowd leaving the shuttle: the not-that-soft *phut* of an improperly silenced pistol. A shocked silence spreads, for a second or two, from a point in that scrimmage, before a clamour of panic follows it outwards.

"I was just walking guard on the ship Ella." Shin seems relaxed and at ease, though he does try to keep an eye on the surroundings. At the sound of the pistol he turns toward the outbreak. "Gunfire! Captain take care. Watch the crowd!"

"Shiny... somebody just got shot." Ella looks over from her perch on the ramp for a moment, then hops off. "Brett, stay there an' make sure nobody gets on th' Chim. Too much trouble, comm up fer Cap'n Fraser, dong ma?" Without waiting for an answer, the gunslinger strides towards the crowd, aiming to meet up with Shin as she draws her pistol.

On hearing the shot Brett makes a dive for some crates near the ramp of the Chimera. He undoes the clip on his holster but doesn't draw just yet as he tries to sum up the situation. "Right you are Ella!"

Connie's first move is a crouch, half behind the crates, almost without thinking. Her hand goes across her body to the Colt, but she doesn't draw. The Guild types, meanwhile, hit the floor, hands over heads.

As often happens in these situations, the crowd parts around the location of the shot, some backing away, some running as best they can. There's a slumped form at the centre of the scene, a second, female, figure, blonde hair scraped back from her face, in somewhat severe-looking trouser suit, knelt astride it, an automatic braced in both hands in what's clearly a miliary or law-enforcement trained grip, scanning wildly among the crowds.

Moving toward the action Shin tries to get between the crowd and the ship. He moves in an atempt to join up with Ella and protect both ships. He thumbs the SMG to 3 round burst and jacks a round into the chamber. "Where's the shooter?" He looks about trying to pick out the person.

"Over there, in th' middle. Woman." Ella points with her free hand, the gun held down low. "Might be a fed. Ain't over sure." She pushes her way through the fleeing crowd, remaining beside Shin.

Brett looks over to Ella nodding in agreement "Aye I think that's the one too." He can see plenty from behind the crates, though if that's a good thing or not it remains to be seen.

Connie straightens, hand still off the Colt, trying to see who's who in the crowd.

Ella and Brett both spot a furtive-looking figure hurrying away along a row of tents and leantos near the shuttle terminal: not only do they spot it though, so does the woman, pivoting with the pistol braced and levelled. The crowd parts like the Red Sea, as her voice rings out, harsh and clear: "Alliance Law Enforcement: stop or I shoot."

Shin Tung continues to scan the direction trying to pick out the correct person. He moves out quickly trying to move toward the general direction of the suspect. "Use some help officer?" He calls to let the officer know he is not trying to interfere.

Meanwhile, Ella is already making her way closer to the running figure, squinting to see if it's somebody she recognises. She stays within earshot, waiting to hear the answer to Shin's question.

Brett hits the deck uppon hearing the woman shout at the running figure. He makes no effort to say why or to inform anyone he is still there, he just goes down and stays down.

The fleeing figure seems to be male, and a complete stranger to everyone. His response is to twist and snap off a couple of shots at the Fed, the 9mm he's holding having a crude home-made silencer fitted. The first is a better shot than the second, hitting her in the shoulder and drawing a choked gasp. She returns fire from her position crouched over the fallen body, causing the crowd to scatter further.

Connie winces, starting to move towards the centre of the action.

Shin Tung brings Feng Lung into line with the fleeing figure and turns loose with a short burst. It is plain the person is willing to kill or harm anyone in the area. "Fire in the hole." he says as he opens up.

"Ooh, legal shootin'. Shiny. Wonder if'n there's a reward." Ella follows suit, the golden pistol coming up and firing a single shot at the running man's legs, her gun barking with a sharp sound.

Brett is not moving, no way, not a chance... clearly he has found a new love for the landing pad and is enjoying making it's acquaintance.

Poor guy doesn't stand much of a chance, really. Ella may miss, but the short burst from Shin clips him, and the very precisely placed double tap from the Fed drops him, limp, boneless and unmoving.

"Which do you want Ella? The shooter or the fed? Both are going to need to be checked" Shin asks calmly as he looks about. "Captain I think someone needs to call the hospital and get medics on the way."

"Ain't my business, Shin. Jus' makin' sure there weren't gonna be any more trouble." Ella remarks as she re-holsters her pistol. "I'll go tell Kinkaid an' Casey t' get their butts out here... other'n that... Jus' call if'n ya need anythin'." The gunslinger nods, then strides back towards the ship.

Brett can hear what's being said but he still doesn't move. He waits till he hears Ella on the ramp then kneels away from the crowd and moves quickly onto the ramp in front of her so hopefully no one can see him.

Connie nods to Shin, touching her earpiece. "Sam? Raise the local medics. Shooting incident out here - one wounded, two probably dead." She's moving towards the Fed as she speaks, hands in plain sight. The woman turns to look at her, there's a definite instant of recognition on the other woman's part, and the air between them *chills* noticeably. "First Aid..." Connie says, not reacting to it. "I can..."

"Don't." It's almost snapped, the woman's hand clasped to her shoulder, blood leaking between her fingers. "Definitely none of your business. Or it had better be."

Among the pairs of curious eyes drawn to the gunfire is a brown one, belonging to a young lady. Garrin peers around a corner, safely hidden from the action, and coming no closer for the time being.

Shin Tung looks from one woman to the other. "I can stay with the Officer if you wish Captain." He waits to see what may come of this once more tense situation.

Connie blinks. "Do I know you?"

The woman would probably shrug, were it not for the shoulder wound. "It doesn't matter. I know you." She nods down at the fallen figure. "As did he."

Connie drops into a crouch beside the man, in Alliance semi-dress uniform, the kind worn for social functions, and reaches out a hand to turn his head enough to see his face. The other woman's watching her intently for her initial reaction, which is one of clearly unfeigned shock. "Don.. Slayton. Oh God..." She looks up at the Fed. "Why?"

As most of the visible danger seems to have died away, Garrin cautiously steps out from behind her corner and takes a step or two closer. She peers sideways at the scene, a little concerned and openly curious, probably a bit rudely so.

Shin Tung shrugges slightly and heads over to the body of the shooter. He checks for a pulse and then drags the body and weapon back over to the Fed. "Here is you shooter and the weapon. I haven't gone over the body - I figure you will want to do that." He looks at Connie and shakes his head. "I am going to check on the ship." The Fed gets a look. "Capt. Slayton of the Beijing?"

A tightlipped shake of the head to Connie. "It would have made my day if you could tell me." The Fed woman turns away from Connie, nods to Shin, wordlessly, then back to the Captain of the Zun Yan. "Don't go skipping the planet. That's an order." Caustically. "You still understand those, right?"

Connie stands, deliberately and slowly. "We'll be here." The jibe is ignored, and Shin's question gets a single nod. "Back to the ship."